Bi-weekly letters about living and creative practice.

I’m Lauren Sauder - an artist and writer living just outside of Baltimore, MD. This letter-writing practice began in 2019 and has become a place for me to explore the intersection of living and my creative practice. I am forever holding an intentional conversation between the two. These letters frequent topics like creativity, self-awareness, and personal histories.

Lauren Sauder (free)

My main publication is where I write bi-weekly letters for both the collector and the artist. Your financial backing supports my vitality and gains you access to side-b.

I take intentional breaks in June/July and December.

Side-b (paid)

Side-b is the other side of my letters—they’re often longer personal essays. A more intimate expression and reflection of my life and creative practice. I value my time writing these more personal stories and tend to publish ~1/month. Preview here →

Viewfinder, a Podcast

This podcast is a body of work—a collection of words distilled from looking through my viewfinder. Each episode explores the meaning of different concepts, themes, ideas, and subjects floating around in the liminal spaces of my creative practice. Listen here →

About me:

I am a contemporary artist working across drawing, printmaking, and writing practices. I consider myself an avid collector and it’s through my process of keeping moments, fragments, and atmospheres, that I attempt to document the liminal spaces I encounter. You can further explore my work on my website and Pinterest.

Ways you can support me:

Subscribe to Lauren Sauder

Bi-weekly letters from a friend sketchbook-ing the intersection of living and creative practice.


I’m (she/her) a process artist who contemplates liminal spaces—that is, the daily moments between what was and what will be. I work in multiple mediums including; writing, sketchbooks, photography, zines, drawings, and printmaking practices.