Hey, Lauren 😊 Have you ever considered trying decaf coffee? I have tremors in my hands, and regular coffee makes me very anxious, so I stopped drinking it years ago. However, I still love the taste and the morning ritual of making and drinking coffee. That's why I switched to decaf coffee, but I make sure to buy a good quality one. Most boutique coffee shops also carry decaf coffee. For a midday caffeine boost, I usually have a matcha. Many herbal replacements for coffee also have a coffee-like taste, such as dandelion coffee. However, I find that decaf coffee works best for me. I imagine your headaches may be related to the caffeine in regular coffee. Unlike tea or matcha, which release caffeine slowly, coffee has more of a punch. This can be too much for some people, especially if they are sensitive to caffeine.

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Hugs. I definitely relate to coffee being part of my identity (Italian American, lifelong coffee drinker). And the routine being a key part of my morning.

I wish the world weren't organized in such a fashion that most of us feel like we must do things right away. I have been able to choose my own schedule most of my adult life (pros and cons, I've also never had a steady income) and I really do so much better if I can wake on my own time and have a quiet morning routine of reading and writing before beginning the day. If I have to wake up (and especially if an alarm is involved) and head straight into the world, I'm grumpy and cranky and not patient ... and so many are entering the world this way every day!!!

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Oh my, Lauren. I'm glad you uncovered the reason for your headaches. I'm grateful I never let myself get properly addicted to coffee. I love the taste and smell but luckily can take it or leave it. There are lots of yummy substitutes like Chaga with cream or coconut milk and maple syrup. There's something called Vaidya's Cup that is delicious and actually nourishing. Just putting that out there.

We are all so different. I've become such a morning person that if I sleep past 7:00 I feel like the best part of the day has passed me by and I'm missing out on the magic. I'm in bed by 8:30 p.m. :). I will keep. my Ayurvedic tips on our circadian rhythms to myself because I don't want to be preachy. When I saw your title I immediately thought "Well, I don't identify with the night." Strange for an artist, I know. Most of my fellow artists are night owls. 🦉 ☀️🌑

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