I absolutely love the is message, Lauren! I felt my own version of resistance after my solo show and had to remind myself that in order to get back to what I love to do most, I have to just start…hence my 30 minutes studies a day.

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Isn’t resistance such a funny thing? Sometimes it’s something super simple, like realizing we’re just tired, or we need to go outside and other times it’s so far embedded that we don’t even recognize it as such but it comes out as resentment or avoidance. I love that you started small, and proved to yourself it perhaps wasn’t as scary as it seemed. I would love to hear how your felt through that process.

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Yes, and being able to tell the difference between the two. Once I started doing the studies for a few days, I felt like It was easier to work on projects because I was used to just getting my paints out every day and beginning. I think the hardest part for me was establishing a routine in my new studio space! And not having painted for almost a month left me a little rusty. The excuses I had just melted away once I began painting, I didn’t worry about them as much anymore. And now that I have a few works that are finished and quite a few in progress, I’m realizing my fears weren’t rooted in anything other than fear. I have a cohesive body of work! I sold two paintings last week, and I have two shows in galleries next year and I’m currently in a Group show in Utah. Not much to worry about after all!

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